Behind The White Door by Wilmore Bajada

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ARTIST NOTES: 4/5/2017
Behind the white door
Behind the white door the musicians play a song she earlier wrote. She chose the notes and they arouse sentiment pertinent to the words of the song. They mirror a story stern. The words portray a life occurrence intense with emotion for it describes a betrayal all too common between two lovers. She takes on the role of herself while holding the guitar. Her heart’s feeling is revealed by the expressions on her face and the tone of her voice. The profound strokes she plays on the strings also attest to the trust lost. Almost living the event again, but now in retrospect, her demeanour appears a little more manageable than when her betrayal had originally become evident. Writing the words, composing the music, playing and singing the song has been cathartic. The company of the band of players provide testimony for her past chagrin. The musicians wish to offer consolation for her. Some squeeze a smile to show support others can only offer a grim expression as the song and tragic story audibly combine. However on this occasion the music they play provides for her an assurance that she is heading to a different space. The notes from each instrument throughout the song proclaim the drama of her past experience. But now the changing ways of life’s control offers a glimmer of hope for a new future possibility. Her story can now be told publically and the song provides a spirit of determination and a sense of reconciliation to take her on the new path.
Oil on canvas

DIMENSIONS (Height - 55.50 cm X Width - 95.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Oil on Canvas
GENRE Portrait
REGISTERED NRN # 000-38723-0135-01
COPYRIGHT © Wilmore Bajada


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Artist: Wilmore Bajada